Friday, December 21, 2018

WINTER BREAK - December 22 - January 6

WINTER BREAK - December 22 - January 6

Winter Break Student Challenge


We are so excited to introduce to you and your children our Winter Break Challenge. This challenge is a fun way to keep our children reading, writing, researching, building, and thinking, during the break. Your child received a calendar today in their Family Folder. The "rules" for the challenge are:

1. Complete the activity for the day - you can even go out of order if you need to. Do all 10 activities during the break.

2. Write at least a few (2-3) sentences about what you did each day. There are lines on the back of the calendar and you can use notebook paper as well.

3. Bring your calendar back to school on Monday 1/7 and earn a special treat!

Extra Challenge - After the calendars were printed a typo was noticed (it is not on the attached calendar). I've challenged the children to find that typo on the print calendar too!

The calendar and "journal" page are below.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Early Dismissal on Friday, December 21, 2018

Thank You!

We want to thank our class grandmother, Mrs Helms for our Holiday Celebration!

Information from the Nurse


As part of the eight components of School Health, School Nurses conduct periodic vision, dental, hearing, blood pressure, and other screenings as recommended by SC DHEC, and as needed as part of the nurse's assessment during a health room visit. These screenings are important in early detection of hearing or vision difficulties that may impact teaching and learning. Many times a student is not even aware he/she is having difficulty seeing the board, reading, or hearing classroom instructions.
The Students at Forest Lake Elementary are currently being screened for the 2018-2019 year. Please contact Martha Becht, RN, your school nurse, if you have a question or a concern regarding your child's results, or if you need assistance taking your child to the eye doctor or dentist. Our goal is to work in collaboration with parents, teachers, and children to help children stay healthy so they can learn.

Below, you will find some important information about flu season.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

A Winter Concert! A Second Grade Production

Golden Eagles

The Forest Lake Elementary Golden Eagles fulfilling their mission to serve this morning! They collected 774 neckties to donate to local schools and agencies throughout South Carolina.
They also learned how to tie their neckties!

Congratulations Golden Eagles!

Thank you for all of your support!

Impact Aid Survey Forms


Image result for image of impact aid forms

All forms were sent home with your student this week!


The Federal Law is specific to the information required
on Impact Aid Survey Forms.

All forms must have the following...

                           >  Name of the Student
                           >  Date of Birth
                           >  School Name and Grade
                           >  Parent Signature

We are required to get a signed form back
from every student

Thanks so much for your prompt attention to this task!

We are collecting canned goods for Hope 365!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Early Dismissal

Reminder for October 26th

FLE Spirit Week

FLE Spirit Week 2018

Healthy Choices Week October 22nd – 26th

Monday, October 22nd - Success Monday

Hats off to Healthy Choices
Wear a baseball cap, silly hat or even make a hat

Tuesday, October 23rd – Super Tuesday  



Wednesday, October 24th – RED Wednesday

RED”Y to Make Healthy Choices!


It’s Crazy Not to Make Healthy Choices!
Wear wild, fun, colorful and crazy socks

Friday, October 26th - Future Friday  
My Future’s Bright, My Healthy Choices are in Sight!!
Wear Favorite College Clothing

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Fall Pictures!

It's Picture Day at Forest Lake Tomorrow!

Fall pictures will be taken on 
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Please make sure your child is dressed in his/her uniform!

Monday, October 1, 2018

2nd Grade Field Study - The Challenger Learning Center

Our 2nd Field Study will be October 15th at 9:30 and return at 1:30. Permission Slips will be sent home on  tomorrow, Tuesday, October 2nd. The cost of the trip is $15. You may pay via parent portal or send the funds to school with your child.

The Challenger Learning Center of Richland County School District One

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Community Information Sessions

Make-Up Days for Richland Two Schools

Dear Richland Two Parents and Employees,
In order to make-up days missed because of Hurricane Florence, Richland Two will now have school on:
  • October 18, 2018 (originally a student holiday/teacher inservice day)
  • October 19, 2018 (originally a student/teacher holiday)
  • December 21, 2018 (originally first day of winter break)
As you know, Governor Henry McMaster issued an order for all schools in Richland County to close from Tuesday, September 11, through Friday, September 14.
State law requires all districts to make up a minimum of three days missed. For any schools that are closed four to six days due to snow, extreme weather conditions, or other disruptions, S.C. Code Ann. §59-1-425 allows for the local school board of trustees, by a majority vote, to waive those missed days or to require the days to be made up. For any schools closed six to nine days due to snow, extreme weather conditions, or other disruptions, the local school board may request a waiver from the State Board of Education.
As also required by the state law, Richland Two includes make-up days in our school calendar in anticipation of inclement weather. Since we missed so many days at the beginning of the school year, district administrators felt it was important to consider additional options. Making up the missed days this way ensures that semesters will remain balanced, which is important for semester-long classes that students will complete in January. This solution also allows for minimal impact on instruction and family schedules around traditional holidays and breaks.
To help make the best decision possible, a survey of seven different options was sent to a group of 210 people that included our school principals, our faculty advisory committee and our parent advisory committee. We received responses from 132 people, for a response rate of around 63 percent.  
The top choice of the seven options received 47 percent of the votes. The next highest option received approximately 17 percent of the votes. Additionally, the top overall choice was the most popular choice among principals, faculty, and parents. As a result, the district will use October 18 and 19, and December 21 to make up three of the days missed so far in the 2018-2019 school year. We would like to thank those who completed the survey and helped us to arrive at this decision.
Once a final decision has been made regarding the fourth missed day of school, we will be sure to communicate that with everyone. Thank you for your understanding of the necessary changes to the school calendar, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused by the closure last week. We look forward to continuing our journey this year on our pathway to Premier.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

 It is Back-to-School Time in Richland Two!

We are so excited to see the smiling faces of our students and staff on the first day of schoolAugust 22. To get ready for the new school year, check out our Back-to-School page. There you will find helpful links to get you back into the groove for the new school year, including school supply lists!

Meet and Greet

Important Information!


All updates must be completed before your child is given their          2018-2019 class assignment!

Hello, Richland 2 Families,

Annual Update time is upon us.
To complete your update, log into your Parent Portal Account ( and select the Annual Update tab located on the left toolbar. You may also attend one of the Annual Update nights hosted at R2I2.

Your proof of residency can be uploaded within your Annual Update, sent with your student or even emailed to the school registrar Laurie Craft at  

As a reminder, all Families Living with Families documents and Declaration of Residency and Guardianship Affidavits need to be updated and submitted each school year.

We appreciate and thank you for doing your part in keeping your student's information current and accurate.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

All parents must complete!

It's that time again! 
All returning students for the 2018-2019 school year 
must update information on Parent Portal!

Visit the district's website for directions!

Rocket Run

Forest Acres Festival

Forest Lake Elementary's 
4th and 5th-grade Chorus 
will be singing on stage at 11:15 a.m.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

State Testing Reminders

State Testing Reminders
Please do not make appointments for students that
are testing on these dates:

Monday & Tuesday (May 14-15)
SC Ready: ELA (3rd - 5th Grades)
Thursday, May 17
SC Ready: Math (3rd - 5th Grades)
Tuesday, May 22
SC PASS: Science (4th Grade Only)
SC PASS: Social Studies (5th Grade Only)