Thursday, December 20, 2018

Early Dismissal on Friday, December 21, 2018

Thank You!

We want to thank our class grandmother, Mrs Helms for our Holiday Celebration!

Information from the Nurse


As part of the eight components of School Health, School Nurses conduct periodic vision, dental, hearing, blood pressure, and other screenings as recommended by SC DHEC, and as needed as part of the nurse's assessment during a health room visit. These screenings are important in early detection of hearing or vision difficulties that may impact teaching and learning. Many times a student is not even aware he/she is having difficulty seeing the board, reading, or hearing classroom instructions.
The Students at Forest Lake Elementary are currently being screened for the 2018-2019 year. Please contact Martha Becht, RN, your school nurse, if you have a question or a concern regarding your child's results, or if you need assistance taking your child to the eye doctor or dentist. Our goal is to work in collaboration with parents, teachers, and children to help children stay healthy so they can learn.

Below, you will find some important information about flu season.