Tuesday, May 7, 2019

State Testing Dates

State Testing Dates and Reminders

Tuesday, May 14th SC Writing (3rd-5th)

Wednesday, May 15th SC Ready: ELA (3rd - 5th)
Thursday, May 16th SC Ready: Math (3rd - 5th )
Tuesday, May 21st
SC PASS: Science (4th Grade Only)
SC PASS: Social Studies (5th Grade Only)

Please do not make appointments for students that are testing on these dates:

Testing Tips!

Make sure your child arrives on time (before 8:00).  
Once testing begins, students that are in testing grades may not enter their classroom. 
Other grade levels will be walked to their class.

• Make sure your child arrives at school in time to eat breakfast in the cafeteria or 

has had breakfast at home before coming to school.

 • Ensure that your child gets a good night’s sleep.

 • On testing days, we kindly request that we not have any visitors. 

 This includes parents, mentors, and volunteers.